Cairo Tourism and Places to Visit

About Cairo

Cairo the largest city of Africa and Middle East founded in AD 969 is the capital of Egypt. Sitting on the Nile River this epic city was raised in during the Medieval Islamic dynasty. Cairo a centre of the region’s cultural life and politics is also called “the city of a thousand minarets” for its predominance of Islamic architectonics. This epic city has referred its official name with many literal meanings like “Mars”, “The Defeater”, “The Victorious”, “The place of Combat”, and “the mother of the world”. In the Arabian world, Cairo has the largest and the oldest film and music industry which attracts many of the international media and business organisations to establish their headquarters in the city. Cairo being ranked 1st in economy and 10th largest urban area in the world, with a population of more than 7 millions distributed over 453 square kilometres. Get cheap flights from Abu Dhabi to Cairo on Rehlat and grab the best deal for your journey.

There is countless tourist attractions that can be listed as the Egyptian Museum, Cairo Tower, the Citade of Cairo, Giza Pyramids, Sphinx, al-Azhar Park, Heliopolis, shopping at the Khan al-Kalili bazaar are some of the many hotspots. This impressive city exhibits the wonders of the Arab world and uncovers the authentic hidden pleasures of the sights and tastes of the host of known delights. The aromas of Zamalek district which is tucked in an island connected by the bridges in the middle of the River Nile. Spending time in exploring tangled historic mosques and religious schools, the Nepolian tomb, and walking into the Mari Giris a place which reveals the traces of Coptic Christians, the serene covenant of St. George wraps in chains the sufferings of the prophet in Roman hands are some of the historic places at reach.

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